Journal of Philosophical Investigations
The Ontological Place of Invocation (du’a) from the Quranic and Islamic Gnosis Perspective
The Ontological Place of Invocation (du’a) from the Quranic and Islamic Gnosis Perspective

Hossein Ghaffari

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، ، صفحه 217-232

  The main aim of this article, which is to express the essence of duʼa, starts with a question: what is duʼa, and doesn't it constitute a gap in the system of causality and rational structure of the creation of the world? A definition of the essence of duʼa and its dynamics is given through the presentation of the essential basis of the creation of the world ...  بیشتر
Religion and Spirituality: Adam Smith versus J-J Rousseau
Religion and Spirituality: Adam Smith versus J-J Rousseau

گوردن گراهام

دوره 12، شماره 24 ، مهر 1397، ، صفحه 83-93

  Adam Smith and J-J Rousseau share some common ground when it comes to religion, namely that they were born into  and educated in cultural contexts deeply shaped by Reformed Christianity. However, close consideration of their writings on religion reveal marked difference. This paper explores those differences and finds that Rousseau and Smith are radically ...  بیشتر