Seyyed MohammadAmin Madayen
Of the most disputed debates in the philosophy, is the question of quiddity of the human psyche, which reflects the nature of the man. In the present article ...
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Of the most disputed debates in the philosophy, is the question of quiddity of the human psyche, which reflects the nature of the man. In the present article human psyche, which also can be referred to as ego, is discussed from the perspective of empiricism and more specifically, psychologism. After having a definition of the psychologism, this subject is to be debated from the viewpoint of the early Husserl and Brentano. Thereafter, we would have a concise discussion about the ego, from the perspective of psychologism of the early Husserl and Brentano. For this discussion to be clearer, there will be references to the phenomenalism of the Hume and cogito of the Descartes, noting this difference that Hume eventually comes to Empiricism, while based on Husserl's belief, Descartes's cogito due to some shortness's descent from transcendental ground to the natural or empirical ground. Finally, with a brief definition of the natural attitude, characteristics of the empirical ego which is noticed by early Husserl and Brentano will be introduced.