Nowadays, we are confronted with important debates concerning “pluralism”, “monism”, “relativism”, and “absolutism” in logic on the one hand, and “combinations of logics”, and “translations of logics into each other”, on the other hand.
In a global reaction to the plurality of logics. Some important researches have been done in the framework of an extensive project called “universal logic” with two readings: 1) “universal logic as the general theory of logic(s)” or “universal logic as a general theory of logic(s)”; 2) “universal logic as the comprehensive logic”, or “super-logic”, or “mother logic”, a notion which encompasses all logics and generates them., The author gives a description as well as an explanation of the first reading, enumerating and evaluating the important constituents, fields, approaches, and methods of enquiry within the framework of “universal logic as the general theory of logic(s)”.
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