Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Philosophy Department, Payame Noor University, Iran.


What is discussed in this article is neither the Coronavirus itself nor philosophy, however, all the issues refer to the question of whether philosophy can find a solution to this unfortunate event? This research has been compiled using the library method and wants to prove that, in addition to the solutions presented in traditional texts of Islamic philosophy to solve the problem of evil, we can analyze the Coronavirus problem by relying on the theory of credit perception was first put forward by Allameh Tabatabai (ATCP). ACTP is an interactive epistemological realism based on the epistemology, according to which our cognition is refined and evolved in the face of external reality. For example, it can be utilized to revolutionize the humanities and explain important categories such as culture, ethics, life, and civilization. The findings of this article are as follows:
1- Philosophy and some of its topics in relation to Corona are not two separate categories and there is a connection between them.
2- The relationship between philosophy and corona is neither a therapeutic relationship nor a sedative one, but this can be called explanatory.
3- Based on the ATCP, by creating appropriate concepts and literature, it is possible to achieve a wise approach to this virus or any other similar phenomenon.
4- ATCP also helps people to adopt a new lifestyle and find a way to the satisfactory continuation of life.



After the emergence of COVID-19, all world people from different social classes and scientific fields have become involved and influenced with/by this newly-emerged phenomenon; but meanwhile, some professions and skills are directly present on the scene of the battle with Corona Virus, e.g. people who are active in the domain of medical sciences, economy, major national management and etc.

The problem that has given rise to the present essay is whether philosophical science has any special project or solution for the present situation? Can philosophers acquire the required authority a la doctors for entering this domain and untying a knot and opening an aperture of hope before man during COVID-19 pandemic? Or philosophy is the science of the time of peace and crisis and its marginal problems have nothing to do with the wisdom? 

Allama Seyed Mohammad Hossein Tabatabaei’s theory of “Mentally Posited Perceptions” was presented almost 90 years ago in independent and general writings and essays (Tabatabaei, 1988, p. 156; 1996, p. 233; 2008, p. 258). The author believes that the latter new idea in Islamic philosophy can help us to deal with the problem of Corona Virus both in the domain of theory and practice and it can be used in the context of everyday life.

On Philosophy’s Possibility of Speaking of COVID-19

1- Given the fact that the task of philosophical science is discussion of the general states of existence and philosophical secondary intelligibles, e.g. cause and effect, temporality and atemporality, necessity and contingency and etc., some would argue that discussion of existence or attributes and effects of a determinate affair called Corona lies outside the domain of philosophy and engaging philosophy with this type of discussions is indeed misleading and reduces this superior science into a lower level, i.e. empirical and concrete sciences.

2- But some others give positive answer to this question and believe that every being can be studied from different perspectives and philosophy can study beings and their related affairs including Corona Virus; just like the other sciences such as medicine, biology and others that analyze COVID-19 from their own specific point of view. Thus, discussion of evils is followed in different discussions of theology in specific sense in Islamic philosophy, e.g. Farabi in Risalah Al Taliqaat (Farabi, 2008, pp. 180-181), Sohrewardi in discussion of Divine Providence in Kitab Al Mutarihat (Sohrewardi, 2006, p. 403), Ibn Sina in Shifa’s Theology (Ibn Sina, 1983, p. 431) and Isharaat va Tanbihaat (Ibn Sina, 1996, p. 407) and Mulla Sadra in second volume of Asfar (Mulla Sadra, 1990, vol. 7, p. 78).

3- Another group has chosen a third stance (philosophical patience) between the possibility or impossibility of philosophical discussion of COVID-19 to the effect that philosophical discussion of this virus though has no essential ban requires to be developed only after the end of this pandemic. Since Corona Virus crisis has not come to its end yet, then philosophy needs to be patient so that it reveals the end of its existence and uncovers its beginning an end and it is only then that one can speak of it from a philosophical perspective. 

Mentally Posited Truths and Corona Virus (COVID-19):  

The present essay includes two distinguished debates: 1- Mentally Posited Truths, 2- Corona (COVID-19).

Now, the important question is that how do these seemingly separate issues become connected to each other?  

1- One of the preliminary steps that can set the scene for the explanation of this relation and connection is the birth of key words that have become prevalent in the world after the emergence and extensive pandemic of COVID-19 in life space of all humans, just like the virus itself, e.g. virtual space, individuality, inter-societal civilization, social distance and so on and so forth.

2- One of the other cases by means of which one can illustrate the connection and relationship between the mentally posited truths and Corona Virus is people’s turning to some traditional competitions and art games which have become popular after the exertion of quarantine instructions followed by locked-down and people’s staying at home. Then, people use these games and competitions as a means for filling their day time in limited space of their houses.  

 In the course of these competitions and games, one person plays the role of a Shah while the other represents the Vizier and another person plays the role of police chasing a thief played by another one and so on and so forth. It is needless to say that all these games and role playing are nothing but using the potentiality of imagination and finally these mentally posited truths; when someone plays the role of a given scientist, Shah, Vizier and etc., it is clear that he represents the man who is not him and he just plays his role and this is indeed a realization of the definition offered of the mentally posited notions: giving the judgement of something to another thing that does not have it.


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