Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD Candidate in philosophy of religion, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Thaddeus Metz, an analytical philosopher, has established his theory of the meaning of life via two interrelated conceptual activities: first, he distinguishes the realms human life into two animal and rational, second, he assumes that pleasure and meaning are relative criteria to each realm. Hence, he argues the of an individual is meaningful if it meets three requirements; First, that individual has some degree of a positive approach to goodness, truth and beautifulness. Second, such approaches do not require that individual to violate fundamental moral values. Third, in evaluating that individual’s meaningfulness of life, we adopt a holistic perspective. Metz’s theory has been successful in separating the meaning of life from traditional concepts of ethics and happiness. Moreover, this theory advances a throughout and comprehensive view on the meaning of life. However, his theory, according to himself, fails to explain the relationship between nihilism and meaningful life as well as it is limited in reducing animals’ pain.


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