Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


English Department, University of Tabriz


There is a close and narrow relationship between linguistics and philosophy. Throughout the history, they have had tremendous influences upon each other. Linguistics has always tried to look and analyze meaning from different angles. By the same token, philosophers have always tried to use and apply words and their meanings in different physical and linguistic contexts. Philosophers select and use words and phrases very carefully. It is because words and phrases are their only tools and means of transferring their thoughts and ideas. In this way, linguists try to analyze these words and phrases from different points of view, whether morphology, semantics, or pragmatics. In this article, we try to study words and their meanings from semantic and pragmatic perspective. In this regard, the key concepts that play a role in philosophy are scrutinized which include denotation (core meaning) and connotation (additional, emotional, and attitudinal meaning). Meanwhile, some other important ways of analyzing philosophical texts are considered based on presupposition, cohesion, and coherence. It is hoped that this article to be useful and helpful to both linguists and philosophers.


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