Document Type : Research Paper
Interdisciplinarity approach is one of the newest to the knowledge. One of the contemporary necessities of interdisciplinarity approach to the knowledge is its philosophical explanation. This paper is an attempt to explain interdisciplinarity approach based on Mull-Sadra’s epistemological point of view. Sadra’s epistemology in its depth is unity-oriented, and hence has a capability for preparing an appropriate foundation for interdisciplinarity mode of knowledge.
Here, it, primarily, is provided a brief historical overview on the unity of knowledge ideas led to interdisciplinarity as the recent issue of responding to the question of the unity of knowledge. Then MullaSadra’s point of view is followed in four axes; origin, necessity, process, and credibility of interdisciplinary knowledge. Based on the four axes, and as the epistemological foundations of interdisciplinarity of Mulla-sadra’s viewpoint, there are developed five foundations; that is, “grounding understanding on the graded unity of being”, “dependency of understanding to the complexity of universe”, “interdependence of components and whole”, “methodic and epistemic plurality and increasingly unity of understanding”, and “hierarchical discovery of truth”.
Finally, we have mentioned some fundamental differences between the current interdisciplinary opinions and Sadra’s views. Sadras viewpoint reflects an original unity approach to universe which in itself has a large distance from the urgent technological unity of modern thoughts.
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