Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Researcher of Applied Ethics Department, Quran and Hadith Research Institute, Qom, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Philosophy Department, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.


The conception of justice in Plato’s republic is an abstract concept that Socrates with using midwifery method strives to create it. In fact, Although Plato's talk about justice starts from the external perspective, but, his main intention is investigation about all internal structure of human soul and then of social classes and thereby, to disclosure the nature of justice. In contrast, Rawls considered the realities of society and the economic and social conditions of current societies that were important for him. Rawls, in two books, “A Theory of Justice” and “Justice as Fairness”, will investigate the nature of justice with regard to economic and social realities of societies and his view to justice, has less psychological aspect than Plato's view to justice. In this article, on one hand, we compare Advantages of the Rawls's concept of “Justice as Fairness” with Plato's concept of justice and on the other hand, we will examine whether, like Plato's, Rawls has paid tripartite analysis of Justice or can we adopt so tripartite analysis about his view of Justice?


  • Darwall, Stephen. (2003), Consequentialism, London: Blackwell Publishing, First Edition.
  • Plato, (1992), Republic, Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc, First Edition.
  • Rawls, John. (1999), A Theory of Justice, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Revised Edition.
  • Rawls, John. (2001), Justice as Fairness, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, A Restatement.
  • Williams, Bernard. (2006), The Sense of the Past, Edited and with an introduction by Myles Burnyeat, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, First Edition.