Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tabriz, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning Department, University of Tabriz,, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning Department, University of Tabriz, Iran


With the advent of the so-called "philosophical revolution", it is clear that without the necessary procedures and issues of thought, any science is merely a continuation of the accepted world in its present state, denying its main role as a critical act versus a scientific act. Here we bring together the human (central) problem in modern philosophy and the philosophy of the city. Here we first examine the term in modern philosophy and then, to refine or reinterpret it in the philosophy of the city, we analyze main works to define the modern human-centered city. what is a human-centered city in modern philosophy? As Kant does the project of "humanizing science" by separating man from the immaterial realm of knowledge; Modern urban planners also carry out the plan of "humanizing the city" or the human-centered city by separating it from its original world. The transcendental plan of modernist urban planners, with a posteriori knowledge, receives what is appropriate for man in the city, and then applies it equally to the a priori in a general matter for all human beings and all cities. This is while understanding man in the same situation leads us to the point that there is no human being. Human personality traits, culture, and lived experience fall victim to abstract and general characteristics. This is the humanization of the modern city by removing human beings from the city.


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