Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD Candidate of Philosophy, University of Tehran


Here, on the one hand, regarding to the fundamental idea of Leibniz’s philosophy, namely, «Substance”, we will try to study the different kinds of whole and part and their relationship. On the other hand, considering some principles of Leibniz’s philosophy such as; the principal of contradiction, the principle of sufficient reason, and the principle of harmony, we will consider the whole and part relationship with substance. The whole and part has either philosophical – ontological meaning or logical- epistemological one. The validity of the second meaning is because of the first one. The whole’s meaning in philosophy is not equal to its meaning in formal logic. Whole is an existence particular in which exist all the potentially qualities and modals, that is, an individual substance and monad that has a real unity. Whole and part are intertwined. On the one hand, the part is a part and at the same time, it is a whole in its unity, on the other hand. The whole also has both unity and parts.


  • Copleston, Fredrick Charls (1944) A History of Philosophy, V1Greece and Room, Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, New York.
  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, “Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia”,
  • Kemerling, Garth (2010) “Leibniz, Logic and Harmony”, Philosophy Pages, Britannica Internet Guide Selection,
  • http://www.Philosophy
  • Leibniz, G. W. (1898a) Monadology, Trans. Robert Latta, Oxford University Press, London
  • Leibniz, G. W. (2010b) New Essays on Human Understanding, Preface and Book I: Innate Notions, Trans. Jonattan Bennett, Copyright.
  • Lawrenz, Jurgen, (2010) Leibniz: The nature of Reality and The Reality of Nature, Cambridge Scholars Publishing