Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Zanjan

2 MA of Philosophy, University of Zanjan


The age of the sign is essentially theological. The system that is based on a basic concept, a concept that shapes the circulation of signs, is essentially theological. This central concept has named in each thought differently: the reality, essence, existence, truth, God, Logos, Nous, End etc. In This logocentric system(s), there is a transcendental signified that means and proves the chain of signification. Deconstructive reading of Derrida showed that there is no signified outside of the chain of signification that makes language to have bound. This revolutionary idea collapses hierarchical significative oppositions, and thus makes signifiers to be rank and homologous. By erasing the oppositions of signifiers, it is nonsense to talk about death of God; there is no death, and no life. We're always in the middle of an eternal play. Word (Logos), yet constantly erased and written and rewritten. A/theology is the absurdity of this claims that theology has terminated; a new a/system for those who lives in borders.


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