Document Type : Research Paper
1 Assistant
2 Professor of Philosophy Department, University of Isfahan
In Kuhn’s historical method there is no distinctive role for discovery and empiric data in emergence of scientific paradigm and development of normal science. Discovery is not an individual and unespected event. It is a social legecy and has no distinctive border with invention. like discovery, the empiric data is determined by paradigm and social education. In other hand Kuhn thinks that theory cannot be determined by observation and that for each observation a plural of theories are imaginable which all of them are consistant with that experience. In this essay we will argue that if an observation is theary laden it cannot be consistant with inconsistant theories, and that Kuhn’s view that paradigm is the precondition of any perception and his denying of observation-theory and discovery-invention distnctions are main backgrounds for a kind of relativism which include ontology.
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