Document Type : Research Paper
1 Assistant Professor of Islamic Philosophy, Payam Noor University
2 Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Tehran
3 Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Payam Noor University
4 PhD Candidate of Philosophy, Payam Noor University
One of the most important aspects of analytic philosophy is to focus on language and to derive its hidden meanings , in order to solve or resolve philosophical problems. All of the three founders of analytic philosophy, i.e. Frege, Russell and Moore, trace this road differently . Ludwig Wittgenstien, although is considered as the follower of them, has his own ideas. In this paper, first, we explored theories of those founders briefly and then showed that in some respects, Wittgenstien is in agreement with them, such as, pitcher theory, logical atomism, and respect to ordinary language. But in other respects, he has specific ideas: the meaning of states of affairs, critic of metaphysics and the insist on ordinary language in a different manner.
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