Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Philosophy Department, Allameh Tababaei University

2 PhD Candidate of Philosophy, Allameh Tabatabaei University


We know that Martin Heidegger (in "Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics") presented some ontological interpretation of "Critique of Pure Reason" as opposed to other epistemological interpretations. He tried to explain how all parts of the work of Kant (based on time as the necessary condition of schematism) is originally related to the basic problem of finite human being or Dasein. Immanuel Kant, from the perspective of Heidegger, is indeed the founder of fundamental ontology of Dasein; the main objective of this paper is related to the same problem. In this article, we have tried to briefly analyze and evaluate and criticize Heidegger's interpretation of Kant.


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