Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Philosophy Department, Mohaghegh Ardebibi University


The main headstone of Illuminationwisdom is light, such as the one of the transcendentwisdom is existence. According toMullasadra, the existence in his philosophy isthe same as the light in Suhravardi, idea. But thereis some of existence kinds such as body that is not light in Suhravardi doctrines and he believe that only sensible light is one kind of light among all of bodes; this is very powerful impediment to know that light and existence are same. So, Mullasadra make efforts to criticize the doctrine of Suhravardi in this subject. Abstract of Mullasadra criticizes is that: or all of materials are light or the material light is not light. we want to explain that even according to the some principles of transcendent philosophy such as relation between truth and it's thin there is no conflict between Suhravardi idea; so also the matter is darken and also the material light is light.


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