Document Type : Research Paper
Assistant Professor of Philosophy Department, University of Tabriz
In this paper, showing the relations between the conditions of objectivity and its foundational components in Husserl’s philosophy, I wan to reveal their mutual and dialectical relationship. Transcendental consciousness and its intentional structure are the main conditions of the possibility of objectivity. The body, time, and perception have been considered to be the other principle conditions of the possibility of objectivity. Based on these conditions, the foundational components of objectivity can be considered. These components are: identity, transcendence, lawfulness or regularity and intersubjective community. This study shows that the objectivity of conditions and components in itself are related to each other, and there is a mutual relation between them. Investigating the objectivity of consciousness in philosophy of Husserl regardless of the mutual relation would be ignoring the importance of Husserl’s attitude on consciousness and its objectivity. The essence of consciousness is the intentionality. The other properties of consciousness results from the intentionality. Conditions of objectivity are related to the noetic pole of consciousness and components of objectivity to the noematic pole of it.
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