Document Type : Research Paper
1 PhD Candidate of Philosophy, University of Tehran
2 Associate Professor, of Philosophy Department, University of Tehran.
Aristotle in his logical works, in addition to statement, introduces the concept of proposition and defines it based on affirmation and negation in Prior Analytics. There are two issues about Aristotle's view of preposition: the interpretation of its definition and its relation to statement. In this article, first, three interpretations of preposition, including Alexander of Aphrodisias' and classical ones, are discussed and criticized. And because Aristotle points to the relation between contradiction and proposition, first, the definition of contradiction from Aristotle's point of view and, then, its relation with proposition are discussed. Finally, my interpretation of proposition is explained: proposition is a statement which its relation with contradiction is considered and the attention to this relation leads to the acceptation of the rule of contradiction which is the foundation of each deduction. The linguistics meaning of proposition is compatible with this interpretation: proposition is to propose one side of contradiction and because of this the dialectical proposition has two forms: question form the answerer and its replay as a premise in dialectical deduction.
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