Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Philosophy Department, University of Tabriz

2 PhD of Philosophy, University of Tabriz

3 Associate Professor, Allameh Tabatabae'i Uiversity, Tehran


Hobbes political thought is based on his twofold analysis of mankind: Human being, on one hand, as a composed material body in the network of mechnical forces follows his desires and passions. He, on the other hand studies the concepts of right and duty in order to establish community through contract. Hobbes tries to reconcile his political system with materialistic analysis of human behaviour. For this reason, in Hobbes thought , to be aware of political organisation depends on recognizing human nature and to recognise human passions and moods depends on the recognition of mechnical principles and physical laws. Hobbes ethics and politics are compatible with his mechanical materialism as well, and they are occasionally explained on the same ground. Our leading questions in this article are as follows: 1. what are the characteristics of human nature as one of the main elements of Hobbes psychological system? 2. How has Hobbes compiled his political philosophy on the basis of human nature characteristics? This article mainly claims that Human nature is based on the principles of motion and mechanical principles in Hobbes view , and as a result mankind has not been able to establish political community naturally. Mankind is civil not naturally but compulsorily and should be forced to be social , that is to say , the pitical society order is not natural order but artificial one which is manifested in the content of contract items. Therefore Hobbes mechanical psychology prepare the way for his civil philosophy.
