Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate of Philosophy, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Philosophy Department, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Iran


Aristotle assumed Praxis as a comportment with beings which differs from both production and Theoria. Praxis as true action means doing for the sake of doing and not for an end out of the action itself. In the case of the theoretical attitude toward beings Aristotle differs it from Praxis due to the autonomy Theoria carry with itself. Although near Heidegger the Aristotelian conception of action could be appreciated as a pathway to his own project in Being and Time but it is still in need of making clear the relation between self and world. to accomplish the task, we examine the non-representational attitude of Dasein to world, as its own constituting moment, which forms it in projecting own possibilities. We attribute reflection, the term coined by Heidegger, to how Dasein, without representing the self as a logical-formal possibility of his activity, comes to itself in his world-forming transcendence which is called here Praxis.


Main Subjects

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Mckinney, Τ. (2016). Objectivity and Reflection in Heidegger's Theory of Intentionality. Journal of American Philosophical Association, 2(11), 111-130.
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