Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Payame Noor University, Iran


This question what human truth is? And what components it has, is expressed and answered in Uthulujiyya. Therefore, in this research, we want to examine the place of human in the arc of descent and the arc of ascent and answer these questions: how does human have a hierarchy in the arc of descent and ascension, and what does hierarchy in the arc of descent, and what are the ways to return in the ascending arc? The author of Uthulujiyya introduces thinking Soul as the truth of man and examines the encounter of a rational and thinking man with existence in the material world as well as the world of intellects, and it explains the purpose of the creation of the soul in the material world in the cycle of the arc of descent and ascension. He presents the three stages of human's intellectual, spiritual and sensual descent and introduces ways such as meditation and spiritual effort to purify the soul in order to return to the original position. the arc of descent into the system of grace and illuminations is from top to bottom, and the soul of human is one of its hierarchies, and the soul of human takes the way of return and ascent.


Main Subjects

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