Document Type : Research Paper
1 Ph.D. Candidate of Philosophy, University of Tabriz, Iran
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Tabriz, Iran
In the tradition of Western political philosophy, there are two general views on the nature of power, which can be called transcendental and immanent approaches. Sovereignty or transcendental power is applied from above and gives power an essential existence and reality which is the source of legitimacy. Governmentality or immanent power is applied from below and at the micro-level of social and political structures and rejects any kind of transcendental origin for power. Historically, Hobbes is the main representative of the first approach, and Foucault is the representative of the second approach to power. According to Agamben, both of these approaches are incomplete and one-dimensional and are unable to present a coherent theory about power. Agamben tries to link these levels again in a general theory. We want to show that, according to Agamben's belief, firstly, the transcendental and immanent dimensions, are two complementary poles of a single structure. And secondly, to show how Agamben seeks the root of this two-dimensional structure of power in Christian theology and considers the paradigms of political theology and economic theology as the roots of the theories of sovereignty and Governmentality, respectively.
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