Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate of the Wisdom of Art, University of Religions and Religions, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Art, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran

3 PhD Candidate of Culture and Communication, Bagher al- Uloom University, Iran


Undoubtedly, paying attention to philosophical thoughts has a great effect on shaping film theory and the formation of artistic and cinematic works‌.‌ The analysis of the film from the perspective of contemporary theories is derived from the foundations of nominalism and conceptualism, which cause many ontological and epistemological problems according to the philosophy that shaped it‌.‌ The analysis of film representation from the perspective of phenomenology, in the analysis of different dimensions of the film such as image, sound, narrative, content, reception and perception of the audience, brings important and different results‌.‌ By briefly examining the nature of artistic representation in the theory of phenomenology, while paying attention to the important components of this theory, this article tries to value the different and influential attitude of this thought in film representation, unlike traditional theories that focus on the content, structure and process of filmmaking.‌ In this regard, with the analytical-interpretive method, how reality and meaning appear in the world of the film from this point of view and increase the audience's experience in a deep and comprehensive analysis of the various elements of the film, such as visual language and sound, time and place, space and phenomenal place‌.‌ Light and color are treated‌.‌ As a result, it can be stated that this phenomenological approach not only helps to gain a deeper understanding of the story and characters, but also strengthens the audience's connection with the context and story world and increases the cinematic experience for the audience‌.‌ The theory of film phenomenology emphasizes that our consciousness not only communicates with scenes through our actions, but also plays a role in their construction‌.‌ This role is subject to a specific logic that is not yet fully understood.


Main Subjects

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