Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran


Philosophers' confrontation with contradiction is so fundamental and important that it has been a trend in the history of philosophy. Simone Weil is one of the philosophers who has a different view on the problem of contradiction. The main issue of this research is the concept of contradiction in Simon Weil's thought and explaining its role in her thought system. We can find three meanings of contradiction in Simon Way's thought. We can find three meanings of contradiction in Simon Weil's thought. First, The Contrary between things in such a way that the cognitive faculty confronts it, prompting a person to re-plan his thoughts. Second, Incommensurate between two things that do not have any common rational criteria. Third, where the most accurate application of intelligence leads to a dead end, which is named as a Mystery. Each of the meanings of contradiction can somehow play a constructive role in the growth and excellence of man and act as the logic of thinking and the gate to reach the truth. In the end, Simon considers contradiction as a mediator (metaxu) that connects the natural to the supernatural and leads to a harmony and coherence in the world. The purpose of this research is a systematic presentation of the concept and role of contradiction in Simon Weil's intellectual system with a descriptive and analytical perspective.


Main Subjects

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