Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


Assosiate Professor in philosophy, Payam-e Nour University


In this paper, first we attempt to explain the concept of paternalism from the standpoint of political philosophy. Then, restricting debate to epistemology, we will show that paternalism is based on an epistemic claim. Also, we will distinguish certain kind of paternalism as epistemic paternalism, and then will study the manners of actualization and justification of this kind of paternalism. Finally,  the view is defend that the epistemic paternalism because of its valuable epistemic consequences will be legitimate if it construct on some certain criterions without postulating epistemic superiority of some people, and if it is accomplished by experts. 
In this paper, first we attempt to explain the concept of paternalism from the standpoint of political philosophy. Then, restricting debate to epistemology, we will show that paternalism is based on an epistemic claim. Also, we will distinguish certain kind of paternalism as epistemic paternalism, and then will study the manners of actualization and justification of this kind of paternalism. Finally,  the view is defend that the epistemic paternalism because of its valuable epistemic consequences will be legitimate if it construct on some certain criterions without postulating epistemic superiority of some people, and if it is accomplished by experts. 
In this paper, first we attempt to explain the concept of paternalism from the standpoint of political philosophy. Then, restricting debate to epistemology, we will show that paternalism is based on an epistemic claim. Also, we will distinguish certain kind of paternalism as epistemic paternalism, and then will study the manners of actualization and justification of this kind of paternalism. Finally,  the view is defend that the epistemic paternalism because of its valuable epistemic consequences will be legitimate if it construct on some certain criterions without postulating epistemic superiority of some people, and if it is accomplished by experts. 


تبصره: بنابه سنت رایج، ارجاع به آثارافلاطون بر اساس شماره بند انجام میگیرد و نه شماره صفحه. در
این نوشتار نیز از همین سنت پیروی شده است.
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