Document Type : Research Paper
Although Kant in Critique of Pure Reason has pointed out the theoretical theology from which the antinomies emerged, but the physico- theological (teleological) argument has been nevertheless worthwhile. In Critique of Practical Reason, the proper face of theology has been presented in the framework of moral theology, and in Critique of Judgment he justifies some of its foundations. In the later work, by the faculty of reflective judgment and through presenting a new reading of physico- teleological argument, he introduces a neumenal picture of the world as teleological for which God is the intelligent designer. For Kant, this picture and the theology based on it requires the moral theology, and indeed it is an introduction to this theology - especially in coordinating virtue and happiness as the highest good components. On the other hand, the moral theology realizes the intellectual ideas which are propounded in physico- teleological theology and tries establishing them. In this paper I am going to demonstrate these two theologies and their relationship in the viewpoint of Kant.
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