Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. of Philosophy, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Brand. Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of Islamic Azad University. Science and Research Branch. Tehran, Iran


All kinds of identity are typical, genus, and numerical identity. This predication that is the basis of the propositional language of Aristotle is the condition of speaking and use of categories and general concepts in the realm of beings. Because of this, these categories are called categories of being. Before we can speak of prediction, everything must be self-identical. So we have now the best known and logical form of the principle of identity i.e. A=A. Aristotle with formulating the logic and with a concentrate on the numerical identity leads to a kind of concept of the world i.e. conceptual-logical world. The world, after that, is the world of mind and logical thought. With the superiority of the numerical identity and constitution of the principle of identity, the nature of categories is logical-Mindy nature. The definition of identity as A=A give rise to man solely directed at the logical form of this principle and will wipe out of ontological sense. So this particular view about identity leads to a formulation of logical-mindy nature of categories.


The Role of the Principle of Identity in Logical-Mental Nature of Aristotle's Categories of Being

Naser Momeni1, Reza Davari- Ardakani2

1 Ph.D. of Philosophy, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Brand. Tehran, Iran, (corresponding author), Email:

2 Professor of Islamic Azad University. Science and Research Brand. Tehran, Iran, E-mail:


All kinds of identity are typical, genus, and numerical identity. This predication that is the basis of the propositional language of Aristotle is the condition of speaking and use of categories and general concepts in the realm of beings. Because of this, these categories are called categories of being. Before we can speak of prediction, everything must be self-identical. So we have now the best known and logical form of the principle of identity i.e. A=A. Aristotle with formulating the logic and with a concentrate on the numerical identity leads to a kind of concept of the world i.e. conceptual-logical world. The world, after that, is the world of mind and logical thought. With the superiority of the numerical identity and constitution of the principle of identity, the nature of categories is logical-Mindy nature. The definition of identity as A=A give rise to man solely directed at the logical form of this principle and will wipe out of ontological sense. So this particular view about identity leads to a formulation of logical-mindy nature of categories.

Keywords: identity, being, principle, category.







The most important feature of Being is its manifestation. Being without any manifestation is equal to nothingness. Aristotle tries to understand what is different between Being and its manifestations, i.e., beings. He declared the ways of being in the form of categories.

On the other hand, any judgment can only be possible base on the concepts of Genus, Species and so on. Every entity understands in terms of these concepts. This concept indicates on the form of their being. If we focus on these concepts independently, they are mental concepts that have no relation, or at least very weaken relation, to the reality or Being.

Findings: in the course of this investigation, we find out that the principle of identity in the pre-Socratics era has a definition more different than what we ordinarily supposed. As Heidegger – at once- in the lecture about Parmenides stated, the principle of identity is not about being؛ but it is a character that on the basis of it, every being determined. In fact, identity is not a character of being؛ quite opposite being determined on the basis of identity. But the nature of this character is hidden and hard to grasp. Because the identity defined as A=A, so this principle has nothing to say about the Being, but it says the relation of one being to another, or it says some mentally judgments about beings. So considered identity made a foundation that on the basis of it the categories of Being seen as logical-conceptual categories.


We have tried to illustrate the role of the principle of identity in the one the most important problem i.e. categories and concepts of Genus and Spices and so on. We find that the principle of identity is not of beings. But it is a character that determines Being. Actually, Being is determined by the principle of identity. But for this to be possible, we must understand this principle in another way. The way that Parmenides, many time ago, declared it. Identity is a character that through it and by means, it, Being determine.


-         Brentano, Franz. (1975) on the several senses of Being in Aristotle. Rolf Geofry University of California Press.

-      Cohn, S Marc. (2008)” Kooky Objects Revisited: Aristotle’s Ontology”. Journal compilation Metaphilosophy LLC and Blackwell Publishing

-      Damico, Greg. (2012) Identity in Aristotle.

-      Hartman, Edwin. (1976) Aristotle on the Identity of Substance and Essence. The philosophical Review published by Cornell University.

-      Heidegger, Martin. (1995) Aristotle’s Metaphysics θ 1-3 On the Essence and actuality of Force. Indian University Press Bloomington & Indianapolis.

-      Heidegger, Martin. (1957) Identitat und Differenz (Gesamtausgabe, Band11), witorio kolestorman, Frankfort.

-      Mariani, Mauro. (2000) Numerical Identity and Accidental Predication in Aristotle. Department of Philosophy University of Pisa, Piazza Torricelli Italy.

-      Marx, Werner. (1977) Introduction to Aristotle Theory of BEING AS BEING. Martinus Nijhof, the Hague Netherlands.

-      Politis, Vasilis. (2004) Rutledge Philosophy Guidebook to Aristotle and the Metaphysics. London and New York.

-         Ross, Sir David. (2005) Aristotle. With A New Introduction by John, l. Ackrill, Taylor & Francis London.

-         Weiner, Bastian (2017). Aristotle on the cause of Being and of coming to Be.


-      Brentano, Franz. (1975) on the several senses of Being in Aristotle. Rolf Geofry University of California Press.
-      Cohn, S Marc. (2008)” Kooky Objects Revisited: Aristotle’s Ontology”. Journal compilation Metaphilosophy LLC and Blackwell Publishing
-      Damico, Greg. (2012) Identity in Aristotle.
-      Hartman, Edwin. (1976) Aristotle on the Identity of Substance and Essence. The philosophical Review published by Cornell University.
-      Heidegger, Martin. (1995) Aristotle’s Metaphysics θ 1-3 On the Essence and actuality of Force. Indian University Press Bloomington & Indianapolis.
-      Heidegger, Martin. (1957) Identitat und Differenz (Gesamtausgabe, Band11), witorio kolestorman, Frankfort.
-      Mariani, Mauro. (2000) Numerical Identity and Accidental Predication in Aristotle. Department of Philosophy University of Pisa, Piazza Torricelli Italy.
-      Marx, Werner. (1977) Introduction to Aristotle Theory of BEING AS BEING. Martinus Nijhof, the Hague Netherlands.
-      Politis, Vasilis. (2004) Rutledge Philosophy Guidebook to Aristotle and the Metaphysics. London and New York.
-      Ross, Sir David. (2005) Aristotle. With A New Introduction by John, l. Ackrill, Taylor & Francis London.
-      Weiner, Bastian (2017). Aristotle on the cause of Being and of coming to Be.