Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper



Roland Barthes in 1968 in an essay – that is considered as a famous and well known text now a day –announced the death of the author. Candor of this fearless theory causes some analysts to interpret the statement as a down with author. After creation of his text if the author will dead forever or he will be back to his text in the form of a new character in reincarnation way? It seems that Barthes has organized a bilateral connection between notions of the author and the addressee. It means that after creation a text the author could return to his text as an addressee, and also, the addressee, by reading the text could create a new text in the role of author. The image of the author attends continuously as a signifier aspect in the interpretation of a text. This kind of textual attendance do not consider as the text’s resource. In this essay I try to clarify the researching structures in extensive fields of art and literature by means of explanation and description of Barthes's theories. I also attempted to response the mentioned questions and finding the real position of the author.


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