Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


Professor of Philosophy of Education Department, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Philosophers of education today are faced with the basic question of how to speak of an efficient system of philosophy of education and how to save it from the stagnant state of inaction that it is currently in, so that this system can play a more effective role in guiding the educational system as it is expected. One of the problems that should be pointed out in this connection is the lack of attention given by philosophers of education to the developments in the current era in the field of philosophizing as well as developments emerging in the field of technology. It is a fact that today, philosophizing without considering its technological considerations, as well as dealing with technology without considering its philosophical dimensions (as is the rule in the traditional approach to philosophizing), is obsolete. It is no longer possible to deal with philosophy detached from technological realities, nor with technological researches without thinking about its philosophical considerations.


Main Subjects

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