Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of French Language and Literature, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


In the early fifties of twentieth century following the deep break with traditional bourgeois theater, a (new) form of dramatic literature emerged in France which instead of representing its reality, tried to translate the exhaustion of the language expression that was the result of the loss of humanistic values which made it possible to ask this important philosophical question at the literary gatherings: Is the existence became meaningless and lifeless? Samuel Beckett with a deeply philosophical looking his dramatic works and pointed out the important issue "human degradation", also his concern is evidence for this important issue that human 'feels lonely and nothing in life'. In this study we will look at the meaningless of the existence and metamorphosis of Samuel Beckett's language drama, beyond the three famous plays, Waiting for Godot, End the game, Oh! Happy days. The literature that used from every possible language instrument and dramatic tools to convey the great concept of human condition with a ridiculous and humorous statement to the audience.                                                                 


Main Subjects

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