Journal of Philosophical Investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran

2 PhD Candidate Philosophy, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


Basically, why does Derrida deconstructively question the current situation in the education system in general and the teaching style in particular? How the conventional teaching style is that active deconstruction has entered into its fabric and becomes its internal relation. The important issue in destructuring is both challenging the rigid structures formed in the educational system and teaching style and facing its silent possibilities. Teaching style, as a part of shaping the state of the educational system in the face of individual behavioral preferences, has the ability to manifest itself in the form of rigid and predetermined structures. In such a situation, deconstruction comes into action and, like a virus, disrupts the predetermined foundations of conventional styles and questions them. Derrida offers a new understanding of deconstructive teaching style in relation to teaching method. In the present research, first, the relationship between style and method is explained. Derrida emphasizes that deconstruction is not a method. The method is following predetermined rules, but deconstruction is the destroyer of any kind of external belonging. Therefore, he criticizes teaching methods in a critical way. Then, in the following, how to enter deconstruction as a facilitator in the education process and deconstruction teaching style will be analyzed.


Main Subjects

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