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کلیدواژهها = Critical Rationalism
تعداد مقالات: 16
Karl Popper in Africa: Liberal-Communitarianism as Ideology for Democratic Social Reconstruction
دوره 17، شماره 42 ، خرداد 1402، ، صفحه 1-12
This paper examines the liberal society that Popper lauds, that aims to be truly open, and discusses why another, more communitarian kind of society, particularly societies in Africa, may also reflect the quest for intellectual openness that is Popper’s ideal. Moreover, this paper avers reasons why Popper should be comfortable with such a liberal-communitarian ... بیشترPopper in Greece
دوره 17، شماره 42 ، خرداد 1402، ، صفحه 13-22
Notwithstanding Karl Popper’s deep admiration for ancient Greece and his affection for modern Greece, his work has been mostly viewed with caution by Greek scholars who, until relatively recently, often chose to either ignore or downplay it. This stance can be partially attributed to the novel approach of Popper’s critique to Plato which did not fare ... بیشترThe Effects of Critical Rationalism on the Development of Critical Thinking Abilities; A Case Study with Senior High School Students in Manizales, Colombia
دوره 17، شماره 42 ، خرداد 1402، ، صفحه 40-54
Fostering critical thinking among senior high school students in Colombia has been an unfulfilled goal. This undesirable situation has multiple causes: “critical thinking” has become a mere slogan and its meaning and scope have not been clearly specified despite being widely used in the different levels of the education system. Furthermore, the strategies ... بیشترCritical Rationalism and the Internet
دوره 17، شماره 42 ، خرداد 1402، ، صفحه 80-90
The aim of this paper is to consider whether critical rationalism has any ideas which could usefully be applied to the internet. Today we tend to take the internet for granted and it is easy to forget that it was only about two decades ago that it began to be used to any significant extent. Accordingly in section 1 of the paper, there is a brief consideration ... بیشترCritical Rationalism and Post-Truth
دوره 17، شماره 42 ، خرداد 1402، ، صفحه 91-106
'Post-truth' has become a buzzword for numerous current crises: the fragmentation of the media landscape, the ongoing debate about 'fake news', the loss of trust in science, etc. Although these crises take place in society, it is claimed that the roots of post-truth can be traced back to the history of philosophy. Occasionally, it is asserted that Karl Popper's ... بیشترThe Metaphysics of Artifacts: a critical rationalist approach
دوره 17، شماره 42 ، خرداد 1402، ، صفحه 151-167
Artifacts are ubiquitous and influential in our world, but their nature and existence are controversial. Several theories have been proposed to explain the ontology of artifacts. Drawing on Popper's theory of three worlds, this paper suggests a metaphysics for artifacts along the line of a critical rationalist (CR) approach. This theory distinguishes between ... بیشترApplying Critical Rationalism to Liberal Capitalism
دوره 17، شماره 42 ، خرداد 1402، ، صفحه 225-241
Since Critical Rationalism is considered by some more of an attitude or mindset and by others a methodological approach to philosophical thinking and practical problem-solving, its application, or more accurately, its epistemological testing grounds, should be expected to be much more wide-ranging than they have been so far. With the exception of some published ... بیشترLove, Compassion and Reason in The Open Society and Its Enemies
دوره 17، شماره 42 ، خرداد 1402، ، صفحه 242-257
One may say that The Open Society and Its Enemies (OS) offered in 1945 the first complete elaboration of the general approach proposed by Karl Popper, namely his ‘critical rationalism’, a bold generalization of the fallibilist falsificationism in the domain of the empirical sciences masterly proposed in Logik der Forschung (1934). The political content ... بیشترThe Encounter of Two Philosophers with ‘the Crisis of Modernity’: Karl Popper and Hans Blumenberg
دوره 17، شماره 42 ، خرداد 1402، ، صفحه 258-280
Since the emergence of modernity, and in response to its myriad aspects and potentials, which are constantly unfolding, countless reactions have kept emerging in almost all quarters of the globe. A large variety of anti-modern reactions, the common core of which is perhaps the idea that modernity, in one way or another, is illegitimate, stand out among these ... بیشترIs it more reasonable for a critical rationalist to be non-religious?
دوره 17، شماره 42 ، خرداد 1402، ، صفحه 317-331
This paper argues that it is not reasonable for a critical rationalist to be a religious believer in the Abrahamic tradition. The argument is distinctive, in that it takes seriously the critical rationalist view that we should abandon ‘justificationist’ argument. What this means, is that the structure of argument then becomes a matter of offering ... بیشترIs it more reasonable for a Critical Rationalist to be non-Religious? Belief and Unbelief in a Post-secular Era
دوره 17، شماره 42 ، خرداد 1402، ، صفحه 332-351
In modern times many militant atheist thinkers and activists have tried to promote the idea that religions, as well as religious ways of life, are one of the main, if not the main source of evil in the social arena. Some other non-believer scholars, while taking a respectful approach towards religions and religious people, maintaining that it is more rational ... بیشترThe Problem of Certainty in Religion and Science: Two Critically Rational Solutions to the Feynman Dilemma
دوره 17، شماره 42 ، خرداد 1402، ، صفحه 352-373
The influential physicist Richard Feynman became interested in the relationship between religion and science during a mid-career phase. He proposed that their interface was embroiled in unresolvable difficulties. He felt that science demanded an attitude of uncertainty for its claims, while religion contrarily required certain belief in its core doctrines. Though ... بیشترآیا ویتگنشتاین متاخر به ورطۀ نسبیگرایی درمیغلتد؟ یک ارزیابی از منظر عقلانیت نقاد
دوره 16، شماره 40 ، آبان 1401، ، صفحه 208-224
ویتگنشتاین متاخر هر نوع شناختی را در قالب بازیهای زبانی معرفی میکند که بر شکلهای زندگی مبتنیاند. از جمله لوازم دیدگاه او در دوره متاخر تاملات فلسفیاش، یکی نیز این است که بازیهای زبانی خاص به ... بیشتراز قرآن چه و چگونه می توان آموخت؟ یک بررسی از منظر عقلانیت نقاد
دوره 16، شماره 40 ، آبان 1401، ، صفحه 633-664
هدف این مقاله معرفی رویکرد عقلانیت نقاد به قرآنپژوهی است. پس از ارائه برخی ملاحظات مقدماتی درباره قرآن و قرآن پژوهی در بخش نخست، در دومین بخش توضیحاتی مختصر درباره دیدگاه عقلانیت نقاد ارائه خواهد شد. ... بیشترارزیابی جایگاه معرفتشناختی یقین در اندیشه ویتگنشتاین، از منظر عقلانیت نقاد
دوره 16، شماره 38 ، اردیبهشت 1401، ، صفحه 670-705
ویتگنشتاین در معرفتشناسی خود به «یقین» معتقد است ولی آن را نه از جنس معرفت بلکه فقط زیربنای آن میداند. در اندیشه او معرفت در بازیهای زبانی عمومی خلاصه میشود، و بازیهای زبانی بر یقینیاتی ... بیشترتأثیر کروناویروس بر زیستبوم عقلانیت
دوره 14، شماره 31 ، مرداد 1399، ، صفحه 221-245