Journal of Philosophical Investigations
Volume 18 (2024)
Volume 17 (2023)
Volume 16 (2022)
Volume 15 (2021)
Volume 14 (2020)
Volume 13 (2019)
Volume 12 (2018)
Volume 11 (2017)
Volume 10 (2016)
Volume 9 (2015)
Volume 8 (2014)
Volume 7 (2013)
Volume 6 (2012)
Volume 5 (2011)
Volume 4 (2010)
Volume 3 (2009)
Volume 2 (2008)
Volume 1 (2007)
Two Aspect Reading on Kant’s Thing in Itself
Two Aspect Reading on Kant’s Thing in Itself

mahdi ahmadi; Yousef Nozohour

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 23 July 2024

  One cannot assess Kant’s critical project without the consideration of the Transcendental Idealism. This is due to the fact that it is the solution he finds for the perennial ...  Read More
Explaining the Concepts of Substance, Attribute, and Mode in Spinoza's Philosophy Using the Opinions of Philosophers before Her (based on Wolfson's interpretation)
Explaining the Concepts of Substance, Attribute, and Mode in Spinoza's Philosophy Using the Opinions of Philosophers before Her (based on Wolfson's interpretation)

Javad Rabiee; Yousef Nozohour

Volume 17, Issue 44 , November 2023, , Pages 242-260

  This article explores the concept of substance, attributes, and modes in Spinoza's "Ethics" by examining them through the perspectives of ancient Greek and medieval philosophers, as ...  Read More
Hobbes interpretation of human nature and its effect on the formation of his political philosophy
Hobbes interpretation of human nature and its effect on the formation of his political philosophy

Mostafa Shahraeini; Bayan Karimi; Yousef Nozohour

Volume 12, Issue 22 , June 2018, , Pages 77-89

  Hobbes political thought is based on his twofold analysis of mankind: Human being, on one hand, as a composed material body in the network of mechnical forces follows his desires and ...  Read More
Tractatus; The beginning of Wittgenstein's therapeutic approach to philosophy
Tractatus; The beginning of Wittgenstein's therapeutic approach to philosophy

Sahar Rouhani; Yousef Nozohour

Volume 9, Issue 16 , May 2015, , Pages 79-95

  Wittgenstein is a thinker who considers philosophy as generator of mental confusion on the one hand, and on the other hand desires philosopher as therapist. This two- sided attitude ...  Read More
Immortality in view of Maimonides and Spinoza
Immortality in view of Maimonides and Spinoza

Morteza Shajari; Yousef Nozohour; Abbas Fanni Asl

Volume 8, Issue 15 , November 2014, , Pages 203-219

  Desire for immortality can be seen as the essential natural impulse. Therefore, different religions and thinkers have attempted to see the issue from different viewpoints. The great ...  Read More
The Distinction Between Nomenon and Phenomenon
The Distinction Between Nomenon and Phenomenon

Yusof Nouzohoor; Jalal Peikani

Volume 5, Issue 9 , November 2011, , Pages 177-199

  One of the most famous constituents of kant's critical philosophy is distinguishing between knowable and unknowable realm. We want to illustrate characteristics which distinct Kant's ...  Read More
A New Analysis of the Analytical Philosophy’s Essence
A New Analysis of the Analytical Philosophy’s Essence

Yusef Nozuhur; Beytollah Naderlou

Volume 4, Issue 219 , November 2010, , Pages 119-136

  Analytic Philosophy, as the current philosophical movement in contemporary Anglophone world, against its rival, i.e., Continental Philosophy, has gone through a great crisis in the ...  Read More
Relation of  virtue with  happines in plato’s ethical system
Relation of virtue with happines in plato’s ethical system

Yousef Nozohur; Davood Sirous

Volume 2, Issue 203 , September 2008, , Pages 135-159

  Classical schools of ethics in general and that of Plato in particular are characterized by Eudemonism.The basic doctrine of Eudeminism is that man’s ultimate goal is to attain ...  Read More