Journal of Philosophical Investigations
دوره 18 (1403)
شماره 49 مقالات
شماره 49، زمستان 1403
شماره 48 مقالات
شماره 48 پاییز 1403
شماره 47 مقالات
ویژه‌نامه فلسفه کانت در قرن21 (تابستان1403)
شماره 46 مقالات
شماره 46، بهار 1403
دوره 17 (1402)
دوره 16 (1401)
دوره 15 (1400)
دوره 14 (1399)
دوره 13 (1398)
دوره 12 (1397)
دوره 11 (1396)
دوره 10 (1395)
دوره 9 (1394)
دوره 8 (1393)
دوره 7 (1392)
دوره 6 (1391)
دوره 5 (1390)
دوره 4 (1389)
دوره 3 (1388)
دوره 2 (1387)
دوره 1 (1386)
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
Is There A Post-Human Sexuality?
Is There A Post-Human Sexuality?

Slavoj Žižek

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 1-30

  Will human sexuality survive the passage to Artificial Intelligence? To answer this question properly, we should first analyze the paradoxical inner structure of sexuality itself, which is never simply binary: it always involves a third element that gives body to the deadlock of sexual difference – this is what Lacan meant by “there is no sexual difference.” ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
Lifeworld, Place, and Phenomenology: Holistic and Dialectical Perspectives
Lifeworld, Place, and Phenomenology: Holistic and Dialectical Perspectives

David Seamon

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 31-52

  In this article, I clarify the phenomenological concept of lifeworld by drawing on the geographical themes of place, place experience, and place meaning. Most simply, lifeworld refers to a person or group’s day-to-day, taken-for-granted experience that typically goes unnoticed. One aim of phenomenological research is to examine the lifeworld as a means ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
Science, Common Sense and Reality
Science, Common Sense and Reality

Howard Sankey

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 53-66

  This paper advocates a realist position with respect to science and common sense. It considers the question of whether science provides knowledge of reality. It presents a positive response to that question. It rejects the anti-realist claim that we are unable to acquire knowledge of reality in favour of the realist view that science yields knowledge of the external ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
Heidegger’s Topology from The Beginning: Dasein, Being, Place
Heidegger’s Topology from The Beginning: Dasein, Being, Place

Jeff Malpas

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 67-80

  At the Le Thor Seminar in 1969, Heidegger characterises his thinking as taking the form of what he calls a ‘topology of being’ (Topologie des Seins) and as thereby giving a key role to place (topos, Ort/Ortschaft). Much of my work over the last 25 years has been devoted to exploring how such a topology is indeed present in Heidegger’s thinking, ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
Hegel’s Internal Engine – Free Energy Minimization at Play in the Phenomenology of Spirit
Hegel’s Internal Engine – Free Energy Minimization at Play in the Phenomenology of Spirit

Caius R Gibeily

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 81-94

  This paper bridges contemporary neuroscience theories and Hegelian philosophy, centering on Karl Friston’s Free Energy Principle (FEP). Neuroscience models like the Bayesian brain hypothesis and predictive coding depict the brain as a predictive machine, echoing Hermann von Helmholtz’s concept of unconscious inference, where perception is shaped by ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
Spring is in the Air A new philosophy of love
Spring is in the Air A new philosophy of love

Hans L.M. Dassen

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 95-116

  The experience of our conscience belongs in the same category as feeling, thinking and wanting. However, it has a special aspect, namely the presence of other human beings as absolute entities. The process of experience is concerned with the way to best promote your own interests, with how far you will go in actualising your essential characteristics as an absolute ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
Democracy and Information in the Age of Digitalization
Democracy and Information in the Age of Digitalization

Fabio Tononi

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 117-132

  What is the state of democracy today? In the Western world, people often take the meaning of this term for granted, but do they genuinely know what democracy is? In this sense, how can we define democracy in today’s digitalized world? What is the relationship between democracy and information? Furthermore, do we really live in a democratic world? In Infocracy: ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
Whether Hegel is a Pantheist? Spinoza in Hegel’s Pantheism
Whether Hegel is a Pantheist? Spinoza in Hegel’s Pantheism

Khanh Trinh

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 133-146

  Does Hegel embrace pantheism? He faced accusations from his orthodox peers who adhered to Pantheism, a phrase that was commonly associated with atheism during his day. This study presents a counterargument to the assertion made by several contemporary orthodox contemporaries that Hegel is pantheistic. Hegel can be classified as a semi-pantheist. The manuscript ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
?Is Ethical Religion Possible
?Is Ethical Religion Possible

Amita Valmiki

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 147-160

  The paper concentrates on the philosophical discourses of four thinkers – Soren Kierkegaard, M. K. Gandhi, R. D. Ranade and B. R. Ambedkar on Ethics and Religion. Soren Kierkegaard, whose journey in philosophy made him pass through the aesthetic stage to ethical stage and ultimately religious stage landing in the realm of “faith”; where an individual ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
Panentheism versus Pantheism in the East and West with Special Reference to Shankara and Ramanuja's Views: an overview
Panentheism versus Pantheism in the East and West with Special Reference to Shankara and Ramanuja's Views: an overview

Ali Naqi Baqershahi

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 161-172

  Panentheism and pantheism represent one of the most profound, even startling parallels across the world’s great metaphysical traditions about which the present article seeks to explore and carry out a comparative study of certain Eastern and Western philosophers with special reference to the views of two chief exponents of Advaita Vedanta of Indian philosophy, ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
Comparing Immanuel Kant's and Allamah Tabatabai's Approach to Money and Wealth
Comparing Immanuel Kant's and Allamah Tabatabai's Approach to Money and Wealth

Abbas Bakhshandeh Bali

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 173-184

  Humans and human societies have different attitudes about the role and position of money and wealth. Some of them use all their efforts to earn money and wealth. In acquiring money and wealth, some make efforts in the right way and others in the wrong way. Some of the harms of the present age, such as war, are rooted in the wrong way of acquiring wealth and money. ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
Functional Fit and the Instrumental Character of Knowledge: Rethinking the Theory of Knowledge with Radical Constructivism
Functional Fit and the Instrumental Character of Knowledge: Rethinking the Theory of Knowledge with Radical Constructivism

Meysam Khanjanian Mian-Poshte

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 185-198

  Radical constructivism (RC), introduced by Ernst von Glasersfeld, is an instrumentalist theory of knowledge that challenges the notion of knowledge as a picture or representation of a real, external world. Instead, RC, by integrating ideas from different theoretical fields - such as cybernetics, evolutionary biology, and evolutionary psychology - considers the ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
Analysis of the Basis and Arguments of the Theory of
Analysis of the Basis and Arguments of the Theory of "Active Intellect" in Islamic Philosophy

Mansour Imanpour

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 199-216

  One of the influential topics in Islamic philosophy is the issue of "active intellect". This term has entered Islamic philosophy from Aristotle's philosophy and some interpreters of Aristotle's works. Islamic philosophers interpreted this issue in the context of their philosophical system and by expanding its concept from the field of natural and industrial (artistic) ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
The Ontological Place of Invocation (du’a) from the Quranic and Islamic Gnosis Perspective
The Ontological Place of Invocation (du’a) from the Quranic and Islamic Gnosis Perspective

Hossein Ghaffari

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 217-232

  The main aim of this article, which is to express the essence of duʼa, starts with a question: what is duʼa, and doesn't it constitute a gap in the system of causality and rational structure of the creation of the world? A definition of the essence of duʼa and its dynamics is given through the presentation of the essential basis of the creation of the world ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
“Being that can be understood is language”: A Contemplation on the Implications of Gadamer’s Thesis Concerning Language
“Being that can be understood is language”: A Contemplation on the Implications of Gadamer’s Thesis Concerning Language

Abdollah Amini

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 233-248

  Hans-Georg Gadamer, in his work Truth and Method, raises a controversial and thought-provoking argument regarding language and its relation to Being. He states that “Being that can be understood is language.” Despite his subsequent efforts in some works following Truth and Method to elucidate what he considers to be self-evident in the meaning of ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
Comparing Martin Heidegger’s and Jalal Āl-e-Ahmad’s Views on Technology
Comparing Martin Heidegger’s and Jalal Āl-e-Ahmad’s Views on Technology

Hossein Rouhani

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 249-260

  The present study aimed to compare Heidegger’s and Āl-e-Ahmad’s views on technology; first, the close relationship between subjectivism and modern technology was analyzed based on Heidegger, and subsequently, it was pointed out that Heidegger’s approach towards technology is a critical confrontation based on engagement/disengagement dialectics. ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
“Forego the reality of all the simple things”: On Object-Oriented Reality as Metaphorical Vortex in Flann O’Brien’s The Third Policeman
“Forego the reality of all the simple things”: On Object-Oriented Reality as Metaphorical Vortex in Flann O’Brien’s The Third Policeman

Shahriyar Mansouri

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 261-276

  This article examines Flann O’Brien’s The Third Policeman in the context of Object-Oriented Ontology, and argues that the novel transports the structural paradigm of reality and being towards a never-ending limbo, highlighting a circular transference of meaning from known toward unknown horizons and vice versa. In so doing, it explores the ways in ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
Beauty and Neutrality in Alice Munro’s Selected Works: A Socio-Philosophical Reading of Lacanian Ethics
Beauty and Neutrality in Alice Munro’s Selected Works: A Socio-Philosophical Reading of Lacanian Ethics

Pegah Sheibeh؛ Hossein Moradi

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 277-290

  Lacanian Beauty in his ethics is encapsulated as making decisions and “act[ing] in conformity with one’s desires”. This idea is thought while reading Munro’s short stories to argue humans reconfigure their life through decision, transgression, act and love. Munro’s characters are confined in the condition that contextualizes them ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
Beyond Variability: A Causal Perspective on Basic Emotions
Beyond Variability: A Causal Perspective on Basic Emotions

Ali Yousefi Heris

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 291-308

  This paper explores the debate between Basic Emotion Theory (BET) and Psychological Construction Theory (PCT) regarding the nature of emotions, focusing on the challenges PCT poses to BET's claims of universality, discreteness, and biological underpinnings. By examining empirical evidence and theoretical frameworks, this paper argues that the variability in emotional ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
Camera or behind Camera: Ibn al-Haitham vis-à-vis Shaykh Ishraq on Vision
Camera or behind Camera: Ibn al-Haitham vis-à-vis Shaykh Ishraq on Vision

Nadia Maftouni

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 309-318

  Developing the empirical method based on observation and experiment, Alhazen is considered the greatest Muslim physicist and the most significant figure in the history of optics between antiquity and the seventeenth century. Inventing a camera obscura, Alhazen rebuilt our conception of eyesight. His theory of vision was enormously prominent and much of our understanding ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
Exploring the Grundnorm Dilemma: Can Pancasila be Considered the Grundnorm in the Context of ‘the Pure Theory of Law’?
Exploring the Grundnorm Dilemma: Can Pancasila be Considered the Grundnorm in the Context of ‘the Pure Theory of Law’?

F. X. Adji Samekto؛ Aga Natalis

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 319-338

  As formulated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, Pancasila represents the core values agreed upon during the meetings of the Body of Investigators for Preparatory Efforts for Indonesian Independence and the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence. These values were subsequently adopted as the Foundation of the Indonesian State. However, the question ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
The Functions of Preunderstandings in ʾAllāmah Ṭabāṭabāʾī’s Hermeneutics
The Functions of Preunderstandings in ʾAllāmah Ṭabāṭabāʾī’s Hermeneutics

Asghar Vaezi؛ Esmail Ghaedi

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 339-360

  Drawing upon the hermeneutic basis that understanding and interpretation of a text is conditioned by the reader’s preunderstanding, this article examines ʾAllamah Ṭabāṭabāʾī’s interpretive preunderstandings. In so doing, the article first, will explore ʾAllamah’s constitutive and non-constitutive preunderstandings. As the foundation ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
Mystic Intoxication (Mastī) and the Meaning of Life: Fayḍ Kāshānī’s Mystic Poetry through the Lens of John Cottingham’s Philosophy
Mystic Intoxication (Mastī) and the Meaning of Life: Fayḍ Kāshānī’s Mystic Poetry through the Lens of John Cottingham’s Philosophy

Reihaneh Davoodi Kahaki؛ Rasoul Rahbari Ghazani

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 361-380

  Adopting a hermeneutic approach and horizontal and vertical interpretation methods, this study primarily explores the metaphysical concept of love-induced mystic intoxication in the Iranian polymath Mullā Muḥsin Fayḍ Kāshānī’s mystic poetry. Secondarily, it discusses the implications of mystic intoxication in the meaning of life. Furthermore, the ...  بیشتر
مقاله علمی- پژوهشی
Hegel, the Greeks and Subjectivity: the origins of modern liberty and the historical justification of liberalism
Hegel, the Greeks and Subjectivity: the origins of modern liberty and the historical justification of liberalism

David Edward Rose

دوره 18، شماره 48 ، شهریور 1403، صفحه 381-417

  Commentators oft cite the rather grand claim that for Hegel there was no concept of individual personality, subjectivity nor personal autonomy in Ancient Greece. Hegel’s claim is either taken as orthodox and making sense in the Hegelian historical system as a whole and so little discussed; or is flatly ignored as the worst kind of metaphysical obfuscation; ...  بیشتر