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تعداد مقالات: 9
How DoesStrawson Unify Epistemology, Ontology and Logic
دوره 6، شماره 11 ، آبان 1391، صفحه 1-14
Strawson’s conception of analysis as a ‘connective linguistic analysis’ makes it possible for him to achieve an indefinitely large range of ideas or concepts among them are certain numbers of fundamental, general and pervasive concepts or concept-types which not only are pre-theoretical or ahistorical, but also together constitute a structural ... بیشترGilles Deleuze: Beyond Peirce’s Semiotics
دوره 6، شماره 11 ، آبان 1391، صفحه 1-37
This paper studies the role of the semiotic discussions of Charles Sanders Peirce, the American philosopher and mathematician, in the formation of Deleuze’s first leading book on cinema, Cinema 1: the Movement-Image,in whichthe author surpasses Peirce’s semiotics. We will show how Deleuze creates a new form of signs in his second leading book on cinema, ... بیشترAssaying Vandevelde’s Approach to Gadamer
دوره 6، شماره 11 ، آبان 1391، صفحه 39-52
The purpose of this paper is to look at four important aspects of Vandevelde’s criticisms of Gadamer. First is his position on Gadamer’s claim that his hermeneutics is a “philosophical hermeneutics” and not a methodology. Second is Vandevelde’s view of interpretation as necessarily going back to the author’s intention, ... بیشترGadamer’s Ambivalence toward the Enlightenment Project
دوره 6، شماره 11 ، آبان 1391، صفحه 53-81
This essay explores Gadamer’s ambivalent relationship with modernity. Gadamer is a prominent critic of the Enlightenment project. His criticisms are both theoretical and practical. Theoretically, representationalism is at the center of modern epistemology for Gadamer. Practically, Gadamer sees the demotion of prudence (phronesis) ... بیشترA comparative Survey on the Stages of Philosophical Training in Plato’s Allegory of Cave, in the Four Mystical Journeys, and in Mulla Sadra’s al-Asfar
دوره 6، شماره 11 ، آبان 1391، صفحه 81-94
At the beginning of his magnum opus al-Hekmat al-Muta’aleiat fi al-Asfar al-Aqliiat, Mulla Sadra says that he has nominated and arranged his book according to “the four journeys” of the Mystics. What he and the Mystics say on these journeys reminds those familiar with Greek philosophy of Plato’s Phaedrus and Republic (Journey of souls ... بیشترLeibniz’s Monads and Mulla Sadra’s Hierarchy of Being: A Comparative Study
دوره 6، شماره 11 ، آبان 1391، صفحه 95-108
Mulla Sadra and Leibniz, the two philosophers from the East and the West, belong to two different worlds. Though they were unaware of the ideas of each other, their philosophical systems share certain common points that are comparable. Monads constitute the basis of Leibniz's thought and he refers to their features in his various works. On the other side, Mulla ... بیشترIslamic Ethics and Intrinsic Value of Human Being
دوره 6، شماره 11 ، آبان 1391، صفحه 109-119
One of the most important debates in Islamic ethics is the place of humanethics and its priority or posteriority in relation to the jurisprudence which deals with acts of worship. Given the diverse approaches towards Islam, there are different ideas on thisproblem. Some Muslims overlook human principles in the name of religion in their approach to Islam. Some ... بیشترElan vital chez Bergson
دوره 6، شماره 11 ، آبان 1391، صفحه 121-128
La Philosphie de Bergson vise la vie spirituelle, le spiritualisme, la joie, l’appétit et le changement perpétuel de la réalité. En conséquence las trios notions de la durée, de la mémoire et de l’élan vital constituent la réalité de la vie dans son cheminement et dans son progrès. ... بیشترAn Aesthetics of Nature Consequences of Merleau-Ponty’s embodied ontology
دوره 6، شماره 11 ، آبان 1391، صفحه 129-137